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Academic Catch-Up Information

There will be two Academic Catch-Up Days (one each semester) 12/12/24 and 5/1/25

If a student has a D or F (less than 70%) in any class for the quarter or semester, that student will receive a Catch-Up Day Report Card and is required to attend school on Thursday, December 12. The report will be printed Monday, December 9, and distributed to students.

A student may not “clear up” the report between the time the report is printed and Catch Up Day.  If a student receives a Catch Up Day Report Card the student is required to attend and all work will be turned in on  Catch-Up Day and will be graded in a timely manner. 

· Academic Catch Up Day Report Cards printed for students who qualify allow instructors to know:
           ○ Which courses students need to get “caught up” (i.e. increase their grade to a C or better by turning in missing or late work, re-taking tests, revising papers, etc., per individual teacher policy).

· If the student is required to attend, students MUST:
           ○ Attend every class.
           ○ May get a pass to go to another classroom to get help or make up work. Teachers reserve the right to keep students in the assigned                 class or send students back to the assigned class.

· If the student is not required to attend, students:
           ○ May attend only the classes they choose to attend.  Students may not “hang out” in the school that day.

· Academic Catch Up Day is the deadline for missing or incomplete work.

· Teachers please refer to the following changes to protocol for Academic Catch Up Day.
           ○ Use Academic Catch Up Day Passes (bright yellow) to send students to other instructors/classes.
           ○ No passes to library/writing center or gym other than for your own class.  Send students to the teacher who assigned the work to                     write a pass to library/writing center.
           ○ Teacher duties (other than learning lab or parking lot) will be changed to hall monitor to help manage students in hallways.


Frequently Asked Questions about Academic Catch-Up Day

What is the consequence if a student does not attend the Catch-Up day?
School attendance rules apply and consequences will be given for unexcused absences. Also, there could likely be a natural consequence in the area of academic achievement and grades. For example, the student will not have another opportunity to submit a missing assignment or retake a test.

What if my student didn’t meet the criteria to be exempt from attending school on Academic Catch-Up Day and tells me they don’t have anything to do and it will be a waste of time to attend school that day?
Please review their grade report because it will show the classes they are not meeting academic standards. If a student is truly caught up academically, then the class time may be used to study, read, work on enrichment projects or tutor other students.

My student needs a lot of help in one subject. Can they spend more than one class period receiving help in that subject?
Yes, as long as the student gets a pass from their regularly scheduled teacher to go to that class.

My student met the criteria and is exempt from attending school on Academic Catch-Up Day. Can they attend school anyway?
Yes. The student can still attend school that day and receive help from their teachers, make contact with the Career Center, form an AP study group, or attend only a few periods during that day.  The only request is to talk to teachers/directors in advance to see if the teacher/director has time to meet with them.